Sunday, April 17, 2016

Just Start. Just Do It.

                                          Just START #Exercising.  No Excuses.  No Procrastinating.  Just START.
As I write this post, this is an area that I too struggle with. Charting uncharted waters is always a daunting task especially when you have no idea where it will lead you or what exactly you are looking for in the current moment. I say to you friends ' just start!' Not only start, but start TODAY! Tomorrow was never promised to you. Live in the NOW. What will you do to help your future self? Do NOT allow anyone to tell you that you can't when you can. Gain skills,get stronger, create, give.Whatever it is you wanted to start now. Start by writing it down, setting a goal,taking baby steps then celebrating the milestones.

I've posted the video below that has inspired me to do better. So I pose the question to you. What does amazing look like to you?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

RoTravels: Things to do Martinique

I recently went to Martinique because I mean, why not?! The flight was dirt cheap $250 round trip through Norweign airlines. Below are some pictures and things that we did and some tidbits of advice. Martinique is a french- speaking island so I highly recommend brushing up on basics.I was able to get by using my barely non existent french, but I am also very good at understanding french just not speaking. In times where you do not know the language use gestures and body language. It works just as well! Do not allow language barriers to deter you from traveling! The weather and beaches were very beautiful and not super populated. I've included some hotels and things to do below!

Key phrases (I've listed pronunciations based off how I would explain it someone else, hope that is easier)
Good morning/ good day-  bon jour
Good evening- bonne soirée (pronounced bon swah)
Thank you- Merci  (pronounced mer- si)
Excuse me - Excusez moi, or Pardonne (if you're trying to get through a crowd)
Excuse me where is- Excusez-moi , où est...
I would like- Je voudrais commander
I would like to go to -Je voudrais aller à
Where is the bathroom?- où est la salle de bain? (pronounced oo- est la sal de bain?)
How much is this? -combien ça coûte (pronounced com-bie sa cou-te?)
Salt- Du sel
Pepper- du poivre
Drink -boisson

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ten Office Etiquette Tips

1. Always triple proof everything.
Image result for proofread meme

2.Come in 15 to 30 minutes early to work.

3.Smile,smile,smile otherwise people think something is wrong with you.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Got Jokes?

Quote Flair 24 - magazine, quote van de week | Flair at Home:

I've noticed a common trend within all my photos with friends, I always feel like I'm being photobombed. We can never take a 'normal' picture. Its always a super large grin, squinted eyes or some sort of weird facial reaction. I often wonder what was I laughing at? (it usually a random comment that seconds before the picture).

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kindness still exists.

So today,
As I went took the train back to the city my wallet fell out of my pocket somehow. I got out of the station  and walked to the Chambers street stop I check for my wallet and realized it was missing.In hopes of finding it I retraced my steps with no luck. I asked around and everyone just seemed hopeless. I guess because it was NYC  and the odds of finding  things are slim.

I thought to myself... how am I going to get home with no wallet (no ids,spare change or credit cards).I really didn't want to ask someone for a swipe because I didn't want people to think I was a panhandler especially after the article I read today about panhandling. (Side Note: did you know there are different levels/ types of panhandlers?  I didn't!)

Anyways, I thought Ill ask the MTA booth if  they could let me in the gate since I lost my wallet. A part of me also thought  " yeah right, he's probably going to have an attitude... or he's not going to believe you then you'll definitely have to ask someone for a swipe." To my surprise he told me where the nearest lost and found was and let me through the gate. This REALLLY made my day. I could get home!

I was also proud of myself at how I handled this situation. I was pretty calm. Ten years ago, I probably would've has a panic attack, broken down and cried my eyes out in hopes my wallet would be somewhere  in the abyss of my bag. 

Fast forward to 9PM, some guy